Thursday, March 5, 2009

Photo Assignment Response

They loved to watch the bus go by. Day after day they would move to the front stoop of the orphanage and watch it pass by. Zoom. Fourteen minutes. Zoom. Another fourteen minutes. Zoom. For at least two hours every day after school. Today they decided to put on their masks. They usually came home with a different craft from school. Sometimes it was a macaroni necklace, sometimes a paper hat. Today it was a mask.

Waving at the bus driver, who they felt they knew by this point, they wondered if this would be the day that someone stepped off and came to take them to their new home. But, then again, they wanted someone who came in a car not someone who had to ride the bus. They were sure their real parents drove a car, or had a driver that drove their car and took them wherever they needed or wanted to go.

Jenny, Max, and William are biological siblings, dropped off at the orphanage when they were young - so young that William, the oldest, can hardly recall that day. Or at least this is the general story they tell people. This was part of the game they played - tricksters in all aspects of life. There is no documentation verifying their blood relation.

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