Monday, March 9, 2009

guilty distancing

I like the question of distance and guilt as well. I have been thinking about this lately. I live quite far from my family and, as people age and grow ill, not being there is something that is difficult for me. And yet, I don't know that I really do what to be there. The guilt is really huge. So in this sense the distance and guilt become inextricable from one another. But what would the guilt be like if I were in the same room? Is the guilt I am manifesting thousands of miles away real? Is it a result of not have a tangible understanding of what is going on in my absence? Does presence negate that guilt? Does my posting this now help me feel less guilty that I have not been participating to the degree that I would like on this project? Does it make me feel guilty that I am not doing other work I should be doing? Do people understand that I feel this? Do they need to? The question of what distance does to guilt is a big one. What does this have to do with Milgram?

I once had a healer tell me that guilt is a useless emotion. I believe her. But then I begin to feel guilty about not feeling guilty. What is this? Meta-guilt?

Perhaps these writing are used and layered over movement that deals with a different concept we have been talking about.

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